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Gravitational Potential Energy

But first!

National Geographic 2013, You Can't Fight Gravity, video, 17 October, viewed 26 January 2015,

The Science:


Gravity can be defined as the force of attraction by which bodies tend to fall towards the centre of the earth (Adams & Breslin, 2012, p. 1).  


In general, gravitational hazards arise when a potentially unstable or unsecured object is involved in a damaging impact due to the manner in which gravity causes the object to fall to a lower level if the instability is realised or the object is dropped (e.g. when a tool is dropped from a height, or a person trips and falls).

The damaging forces that might ensue when a fall is interrupted arise when the energy associated with the momentum of the falling mass is transformed into another form of energy, primarily through processes such as:  

  • Absorption (e.g. the body is punctured, crushed, lacerated, shaken or knocked off balance); and 

  • Deformation of the body posture against either natural stiffness or muscle effort (e.g. when a person attempts to arrest a falling object using muscle power)(Viner, 1991).

The magnitude of the forces associated with gravitational hazards is one of the key determinants of the risk of injury – the higher the forces the greater the risk.

The consideration of forces associated with (i.e. causing or resulting from) moving objects is referred to as kinetics.

Stationary objects that can fall have potential energy (PE). The magnitude of that energy (in joules) may be calculated as follows:


where: m=object mass (kg), g=acceleration due to gravity (e.g. 9.8 m/s2 ) and h=starting height (metres) (Adams &Breslin, 2012, pp. 6-7.).




Risk Potential:


Slips:  Slips occur when the frictional force acting between the relevant part of the shoe sole or foot and the pedestrian surface is insufficient to either effectively overcome the usually brief period of horizontal movement of the foot (or micro-slip) during the heel-strike phase of walking, or to counteract the horizontal force involved in accelerating the body forwards at toe-off.


Trips: Trips occur when the movement of the foot is impeded. Generally, this results from unintended contact (usually by the foot) with an obstruction in the path of travel.


(Adams &Breslin,2012, pp. 9-13)


Falls from heights

Falling objects


DuPontSustainableSol 20013, Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Video, video, 23 September, viewed 26 January 2015,

What Happened?


The following is a brief analysis of the Lac Megantic train disaster using the Energy Damage Model.  

The news story can be found here: Canada train blast: Vigils held as toll reaches 33


Hazard Control Failure mechanism: The application and subsequent failure of the hand brakes, the shut down of the engine running which kept brakes engaged, structure of crude oil tank cars

Energy: potential gravitational energy which turned into kinetic, electrical, chemical, deformation, thermal, light and noise energies were also all present. 

Space Transfer mechanism: The gradient of the hill in Nantes where the train was initially parked coupled with the failure of the brakes. 

Recipients: 47 people died, as well as the impact on their families and emergency crews who suffered psychological damage. 


47 people were killed after a train carrying 72 cars of crude oil travelled 11km from its initial parked location.  The train rolled downhill after the brakes failed due to their incorrect application by the trains engineer as well as the shutdown of an electrical engine car by emergency services which kept the brakes engaged.  From this, the potential gravitational energy (GPE) of the train has turned into kinetic energy (KE) as the train has travelled downhill.  Upon impact, the crude oil has released chemical energy, whilst the resulting explosion has released deformation (the destruction of the village and persons), thermal (fire and heat), light and acoustic energies.  



Adams, N, Breslin, P  2012, 'Physical Hazards: Gravitational', In HaSPA (Health and Safety Professionals Alliance), The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals, Safety Institute of Australia, Tullamarine VIC.


Viner, D 1991, Accident analysis and risk control, Delphi, Carlton South.

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